Global state > Client state & Server state
Server State
Management Solutions
React Query (TanStack Query)
React Query in 100 seconds - Fireship (3/2022)
It’s time to break up with your “Global State” - Tanner Linsley (creator of TanStack) (2020)
“global” state > client state & server state (two different concerns / management techniques)
Where the terms/concepts “client state” and “server state” started becoming more of a thing (rather than just “global state”). Really good video
Why React Query? - ( -- React Query course)
RQ Documentation:
Client State
Management Solutions
Good video on global (client) state management solutions & the reason behind them, by Jack Herrington (2/2022):
(1) useState > prop drilling (1:14-5:03)
(3) issues with useContext / one reason for using an actual (3rd party) state manager (useContext = more rerendering than desired) > Zustand (3rd party state manager) (15:00 & beyond)
22:13 A good way to implement Zustand / 3rd party state manager (abstraction layer / facade)
24:19 Fine-grained updates
This section of the video is largely what convinced me to plan to immediately reach for Zustand vs useContext when I start needing a global (client) state in an app
**Jack Herrington is another really good YouTube channel guy (he also does a good podcast “React Roundup”)
Last updated